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It is critical to be proactive, not reactive in regards to your health & wellness! These annual visits are usually covered by most insurance plans & are vital to help you and your Provider create a personalized prevention plan based on your current health & risk factors. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals as it pertains to your health, what screenings you may need to start having, and any preventative measures you can take until the next annual visit. Be sure to ask your Provider about our all-natural, plant-based supplementation products to boost your prevention efforts against illness & disease. We now offer an Elite Annual Wellness Exam that provides several Preventative Tests & Procedures that are completely optional to you.
Be sure to check with your insurance to confirm the date of your last Annual Wellness or you might be responsible for additional charges & co-pays, as it may not be fully covered because it hasn't been a year yet.
Our clinic believes in the basic & simple principles of allowing our body to heal naturally. If our body is given the correct fuel, it can really do some amazing things ~ like heal itself & fight of some pretty major diseases. That's why we offer a wide variety of all-natural, plant-based products for our patients that include - Standard Process, Medi-Herb, and Vasayo. Please ask one of our team members for more information at your next visit.
Under the direction of Dr. Guevara, we provide nutritional & dietary counseling for patients with a variety of chronic diseases, such as - Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Obesity, Hypertension and much more. Our Registered Dietitian (RD) has over 10 years of experience and is a Certified Diabetes Educator, providing patients with the knowledge and motivation they need to meet their health goals & slow down the disease process ~ even reverse it in some cases. Patients will receive counseling with the constant collaboration of the RD and Dr. Guevara throughout their plan of care. Nutritional & Dietary Counseling is covered by most insurances & may require a co-payment for each visit.
Ozone Therapy aims to increase oxygen capacity in the body through the introduction of ozone gas into the bloodstream. These therapies promote healing by destroying pathogens, such as viruses and bacteria, modulating the activity of the immune system and improving metabolism. The Ozone process is one of the most powerful methods of detoxifying and oxygenating the body. Its effects are proven, consistent, and safe. As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at delivering oxygen to our cells. When patients receive Ozone Therapy, they can boost their overall health and wellness by combating illnesses from oxygen deficiency. Many chronic diseases have been linked to decreased oxygen utilization and poor mitochondrial health. By improving both of these factors, Ozone can lead to widespread improvements in health. The immune-modulating and anti-infectious effects of this treatment can lead to improvements in acute and chronic infections, as well as autoimmune conditions. Ozone is delivered intravenously into the bloodstream, along with the treatment of UV blood irradiation. These two treatments together will enhance the antimicorobial effects of the therapy. The entire process will take approximately 60 minutes. Before Ozone Therapy, the Provider will be required to order blood tests to determine if the patient's body has sufficient and health levels to proceed safely with the therapy. The Provider will also ask the patient to participate in other therapies leading up to Ozone to begin detoxifying the body gradually to decrease any detox side effects of headaches and body aches. Patients do not need leave their Primary Care Physician to receive IV Therapy treatments at our clinic; however, they will need to establish care with us in a visit to consult and get examined by one of our Health Care Professionals before receiving any IV services. With medical necessity, insurance can be billed for the procedure.
Most vitamins & supplements we take orally are not absorbed because our digestive system breaks it down. With IV Therapy, we by-pass the digestive system and get 100% absorption, tapping right into the blood stream ~ giving the body what it needs. Dr. Guevara's "Immune Boost" protocol provides a variety of benefits including detoxification, improving focus & memory, building a stronger immune system to help reduce symptoms of cold, flu & COVID. Patients that suffer from "long-haulers" Post-COVID, brain fog, general weakness, chronic fatigue, nutrition deficiency and much more will benefit from this treatment. The treatment takes about two hours and includes a variety of All-Natural Vitamins, Minerals & Nutrients that are administered by a Registered Nurse. Patients do not need leave their Primary Care Physician to receive IV Therapy treatments at our clinic; however, they will need to establish care with us in a visit to consult and get examined by one of our Health Care Professionals before receiving any IV services. With medical necessity, insurance can be billed for IV Therapy Services.
Most vitamins & supplements we take orally are not absorbed because our digestive system breaks it down. With IV Therapy, we by-pass the digestive system and get 100% absorption, tapping right into the blood stream ~ giving the body what it needs. Dr. Guevara's Iron protocol provides a variety of benefits for patients that suffer from iron defieincy and anemia. The treatment takes about one hour. Patients do not need leave their Primary Care Physician to receive IV Therapy treatments at our clinic; however, they will need to establish care with us in a visit to consult and get examined by one of our Health Care Professionals before receiving any IV services. With medical necessity, insurance can be billed for IV Therapy Services.
We are now offering the "Universal Antioxident" Alpha lipoic acid infusion treatments for patients that suffer from a variety of issues including peripheral neropathy, neuropathic pain caused by diabetes, cancer treatment, or nerve damage and cognative issues such as memory loss, brain fog and migraines. ALA is also used as an anti-aging agent and helps improve the body's metabolism. The one-hour infusion can reduce blood sugar levels and also serves as a detox. ALA promotes liver health by protecing liver cells from oxidative stress damange and supports the neogenesis of new liver cells. Patients do not need leave their Primary Care Physician to receive IV Therapy treatments at our clinic; however, they will need to establish care with us in a visit to consult and get examined by one of our Health Care Professionals before receiving any IV services. This infusion treatment cannot be billed to insurance.
Allergy Immunotherapy is best for people with respiratory allergies caused by tree pollen, grass pollen, animal dander, molds, and house dust mites. It is also very effective protection against allergic reactions to insect stings. Studies have shown that children who suffer from hay fever are more likely to develop asthma. Allergic rhinitis & asthma are part of the same condition that can co-exist in up to 80% of patients. This means that by treating the cause of your allergies, you may prevent the progression of allergies or reduce asthma attacks. Most people that have allergies are never actually diagnosed & some don't even recognize the symptoms of headaches, lost of taste or smell, sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, runny nose & coughing. Treatment can provide freedom of enjoying more outdoor activities, consuming less medications, and a healthier immune system overall for up to 10 years. Testing & Therapy is covered by most insurances. Contact us for more information.
We assist patients with long-term disease management, such as Diabetes, Heart Disease, Hypertension and High Cholesterol ~ to name a few. Our team will provide you the resources and the tools to manage and slow down the progression of your disease. All depending on your specific situation and your efforts to do your part, it is very possible that you could reverse most, if not all of the disease. With the combination of medication, lifestyle changes, proper nutrition and exercise ~ the body can begin to fight off the disease & keep it controlled.
Mostly all minor, temporary issues such as - Urinary Tract Infections, Upper Respiratory Infections, Influenza, Inflammation, Rashes, Burns, Abdominal Pain or upset stomach, and much more are all concerns we can assist with. Please be specific as possible when you are asked why you need to see the doctor. If your case is extremely minor & our schedule is full, we may ask you to come in to see the nurse for treatment.
Our team offers a preventive examination, known as a Well Woman Exam to review the elements of a woman's reproductive health, which includes a breast examination, pelvic examination, and a pap smear that will test for cervical cancer and human papilloma virus (HPV). The Affordable Care Act entitles all women to one free well woman exam each year & should be covered in full as a preventative benefit with most insurance plans, even if your deductible hasn't been met.
We offer a wide variety of in-house laboratory tests that include Glucose Levels, Lipid Panels, A1c Hemoglobin, Flu A&B, and Strep. We also provide Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) testing and Spirometry (pulmonary function) testing in-house for your convenience. Our Certified Phlebotomists are available most days of the week to draw blood & send off to Quest Diagnostics.
We offer sports physicals for student athletes at a special rate. You'll need to schedule an appointment & have the entire front of the form complete prior to the visit. Download the sport physical form here. Parents/Legal Guardians will need to be present at the visit for minors under the age of 18. If you would like to host a Sports Physical Clinic at your athletic facility or school, please contact us to make arrangements. Our Physician is more than happy to accommodate & support our student athletes!
Our team offers Bioflex Laser Therapy, a safe and effective way to eliminate pain for a variety of issues that include soft tissue and sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries, inflammatory conditions, back problems, dermatological conditions, wounds and dermal ulcer, and many more.
We currently offer a variety of procedural services that include, but are not limited to - skin biopsy, excision of cyst, ingrown toe nail, incision & drainage of abscesses, and skin tag removal.
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